Kia ora from Contemplative Community Aotearoa

Based in Aotearoa - New Zealand, we are a community of seekers who found our way to the Christian contemplative path - a jewel of that tradition - yet one many of us were not introduced to.

Mystics and teachers have guided humanity in contemplative head, heart, and body practices for millennia. We walk a path modelled by Jesus-the-Christ, while deepening into the truth of the Universal Christ that is more expansive than any one religion... paths all leading to the source of all...the Divine overflowing within and around us.

The Community supports ‘wayfarers’ individually and collectively via this website by organising and facilitating retreats and wisdom schools, inviting teachers in person or via webinars, offering individual spiritual companioning, offering an at-home nine month programme, advertising regional events, and responding to queries as asked.


Stay up to date with the latest in  Contemplative practices through our news articles and regular newsletter.


Events are hosted throughout the country by our various members, from weekly gatherings to live-in retreats.


Various groups affiliated with the Contemplative Community Aotearoa meet regularly across the country. Find a group in your area today.

Labyrinth Image by Sally Longley

“The idea behind spiritual practice is to help you discover the truth about who you are, who God is, and that in fact these two are not separate realities.”

Francis Bennet


Posted March 4, 2024

Join us as we pause together, as a Wisdom Collective to honour and welcome this thin time of year Equinox.

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Posted November 29, 2023

We may all be familiar with Advent, the time in the Christian church yearly theatre, when we’re encouraged to wait… 

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Posted November 28, 2023

The Wisdom Way of Knowing:Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heartby Cynthia Bourgeault This circle will be lead by

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April 12, 2024 to August 30, 2024, Online

Many of us will have ‘sought the pearl of great price’ hoping that our human vulnerability will be absorbed within it,

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Nondual knowing is learning how to live satisfied
in the naked now, which some called “the sacrament of the present moment.” This consciousness will teach us how to actually experience our experiences, whether good, bad, or ugly, and how to let them transform us.
Words by themselves divide and judge the moment; pure presence lets it be what it is, as it is.

Richard Rohr