The Wisdom Way of the Heart
Rooted in the timeless Wisdom Tradition, wisdom schools are formats for integral learning that support our transformation toward living in Presence and embodying Wisdom through a balanced daily rhythm of prayer and meditation, spiritual teaching, physical embodiment, and silence. The purpose of this rhythm is based on the understanding that it is through moving smoothly between these modes of being that Wisdom is nourished and stabilized in us.
This residential Wisdom School is intended as an introduction to this daily rhythm. While specifically designed for those new to this format of integral learning and practice, this School may also serve to refresh and enrich the practice of those who’ve attended Wisdom Schools in the past or similar kinds of retreats. The four-day duration of the school provides enough time for us to experience what comes of daily rhythmical practice.
The emphasis of the school will be on deepening our experiential understanding of how the daily rhythm supports synergistic transformation and the flowering of heart-centred awareness, raising our level of being. We’ll devote particular attention to the human-divine exchange this heart-centred awareness makes possible ~ the Wisdom way of being.
For more information about the Wisdom School, please go to Pip’s website: http://philipparanby.co.nz
Wisdom School Details
When: 2:00pm Saturday, October 18 – 2:00pm Wednesday, October 22
Where: Waihōanga River Lodge & Retreat. Ōtaki
Base Cost: $690 (Combined accommodation & food cost)
Facilitation Fee: Koha / Dana (In alignment with participants’ means)
Facilitator: Pip Ranby