Welcome to Groups
Here you can find details of groups associated with the Contemplative Network that meet in different locations and online. Use the drop-down boxes to filter groups by region and by suburb or town. You can also search for meditation groups organised by members of the New Zealand Community for Christian Meditation here.Lectio divina and meditation via zoom every Sunday evening starting at 7:30pm. Session includes a poem, scripture or other reading, a time of sharing, and a 25-minute meditation. All are welcome to join occasionally or regularly – just turn up online! If you…
A monthly Contemplative Eucharist Venue: St Luke’s Anglican ParishMt Albert, Auckland Time: 7:30 pm on the first Sunday of the month This is a deeply reflective and spacious experience of the eucharist, in which we take time to rest in…
We seek to be a transforming community following in the Way of Jesus Christ, through practices of prayer, hospitality, and engagement in our world – local & global.