Friday April 23rd 6pm – Monday 26th 3pm
Friday July 16th 6pm – Monday 19th 3pm
Friday October 22nd 6pm – Monday 25th 3pm
Following our opening three day retreat in January we are now settling into a rhythm of offering these weekends every three months, covid allowing. Over time we have developed a simple retreat programme, incorporating the embodied practices of qigong, walking meditation, chant, sacred dance and conscious work. This is held within a structure of sitting meditation sessions, lectio divina and collective silence. With emphasis on personal choice, participants are free to be as involved with the programme as much as they wish.
Hosted by Helensville Community and friends
Venue: Peacemakers Retreat Centre, Parakai, Auckland.
Cost: $180.00 for accommodation and full catering. A cash koha for facilitation will be appreciated.
To register or for more information: email Bev Silvester-Clark