Back in 2009, the Contemplative Network was initiated as a result of Cynthia Bourgeault’s first two visits to these shores that year. Subsequently, there was much interest generated by the over 250 people from Australia and Aotearoa who attended one of the retreats or public talks she gave in Wellington and Auckland
While a contemplative way was familiar to many individuals back then, there wasn’t a strong sense of many groups or connections across those interested and practicing. So, a group of four set up the website, Contemplative Network with the financial support of the Coromandel Christian Trust.
Since then, the Contemplative Network has brought Cynthia and others to these shores so that now there are many small community groups and several home-grown retreats and Wisdom Schools offered here, and within Australia.
Given these changes and changes within the volunteers who have held the Contemplative Network together, the latest four kaitiaki, Lucy, Pippa, Pat and Pip felt it was time to reflect on the near future. One aspect of that was for a name change to more fully recognise where we are in late 2023. We’ve moved from a network to a community now, so the name Contemplative Community seems more appropriate
We hope the website will continue to be a place where people can feel connected, ask questions, connect up with groups in their areas, and yes, even start a contemplative group! There will also be several newsletters throughout the year with retreats and offerings that are available or are in the works of development, and perhaps a musing or two… So if you know of anyone who might like to receive news from the Contemplative Community, do encourage them to get in touch