This twelve-month Wisdom School (WS) offers an opportunity for personal and collective journeying Home to our deeper, truer selves. It is based on the premise that our lives are not straight forward, that we seem to stumble along… moving through cycles as Rohr says, of order, disorder, and reorder. In time there is a shift from an outward focus to an inward one and ultimately focusing out again from our innermost selves. These experiences are poetry in motion, and we may sense them through experiences such as: reading a book several decades apart and getting a whole new meaning from it; finding that we’re gentler with ourselves or noticing ragged beauty where once we might have passed it by. Gradually, slowly, almost imperceptibly, we find ourselves more able to truly let life be as it is – unattached to outcome… We find that we know from a quiet and deep inner place and, rather than relying on others’ ideas, we begin to trust and appreciate these stumbling’s as our way Home.
The WS will have monthly readings and bi-monthly zoom sessions so we can check in as a circle community and learn with, from, and for each other. It will conclude with a four-day residential WS at the Te Moata Retreat Centre on the 22nd to 26thFebruary 2024 (fee additional).
It will be facilitated by Pat Neuwelt and Pip Nicholls who have both attended Rohr’s Living School and who offer Spiritual Companioning.
Venue: From home until the residential retreat in the Coromandel
Dates: March 2023 to March 2024
Cost: $250 for materials and zoom sessions. (Additional cost for residential WS.)
Spiritual Companioning available by koha.
Enquiries/registration before the 15th March 2023 to:
Pat Neuwelt